Dev Log: Working on Update 1.3 - High Entropy: Challenges

I'm back at it
After having to put it aside for a long time, due to personal circumstances, lately I've started to get back into game development working on a new update for “High Entropy: Challenges”. Although it's going slowly and there's still work to do, I'm really happy with how it's shaping up and close enough to the final result that I feel like I should share here some info and work in progress screenshots of what will, hopefully, one day become update 1.3.

What’s changing?
This will be quite a comprehensive update of the current content, a lot having to do with how things work internally but also with some of the visuals and level design. I've been tweaking all the levels to improve their design, how they look and how they fit together progress-wise (and redoing levels 1 and 15 from scratch), adding more paths to some of them so most can be completed in different ways, enhancing some of the models and the inventory, HUD and other UIs design, fixing some small issues and bugs, improving/rewriting the tutorials and documents...

When will it be ready?
No idea. I'm really eager to being able to share this update with everyone as soon as it’s completed and, as I said, things are now close to what I envisioned for this update, but can't make any promises as to if or when that'll be possible, as I still don't know if at any time I'll have to stop again for a while or how long will it take me to finish what’s left to do and test it all.

What about the full game?
I still dream about / plan on making “High Entropy”, the extended/commercial version of the game, a reality and some of the changes this update will introduce come from work I made and are making for that but, for now, I’m trying to focus on making this update for “Challenges” as a way to get into the rhythm of things, gain confidence, and later on restart really working on it. We’ll see what happens… First of all I need to finish this update :)

I just wanted to take this opportunity to give thanks to everyone that’s tried the game and for all the kind, positive feedback and words of encouragement I’ve gotten since release. I really, really appreciate it and truly helps me keep motivated.
Thanks a lot!