ACBR Comic Book Reader: Version 2.3.0 Now Available
This update adds support for epub ebooks and two new tools to search and view books from Project Gutenberg and webcomics from xkcd:
- Added support for .epub ebooks (there are now two modes to open .epub files: as a comic book, images only, or as an ebook).
- Added a new tool to search through the books in the "Project Gutenberg" website, and open them in the system's browser or download and view their .epub version directly in ACBR (requires an internet connection).
- Added a new tool to select webcomics from the "xkcd" website, and open them in the system's browser or view them directly in ACBR (requires an internet connection).
- Added a section in the preferences to customize if you want the program to remember which mode you used to open an .epub (ebook or comic book) or ask every time.
- Some minor UI improvements and bug fixes.