Handoru Island: Test Build 0.1.2 Now Available
A minor update to add a few bug fixes and changes:
- Added a new section in the main menu, before starting a new career, to give some info about the state of the game and the official download site.
- Added a pop up tutorial explaining how to park after reaching the delivery location during the first job, some people are having trouble understanding when the trailer is correctly parked.
- (FIX) Credits Menu: Fixed a problem with the scrollbar after disconnecting a gamepad.
- (FIX) Crates job: hud info text now correctly says crate or crates depending on the number of crates.
- (FIX) Added info text to the message window that appears after falling into the water during a job or a challenge.
- Player's vehicles: Added an acceleration limiter that depends on the current gear. It now takes more time to get to the top speed depending on the vehicle. (may need some more testing).
- Added white border to job list gui's arrows.
- Vehicles, pedestrians and dynamic objects now reset after teleport/cancel job/finish job/reset job.
- Dynamic objects: tweaked the volume of some of them, limited min. time between sounds.
- Pedestrians: added a little push when a walking pedestrians gets hit by a car. (may need some more testing).
- Pedestrians: voices now have a custom pitch for every individual, different for female and male. (may need some more testing).
- Options Menu: graphics/audio config. menu now can be used with a gamepad.
- Controls Menu: it now shows the default layout for keyboard or gamepad depending on the current input method (no key remapping for now).