City Project - The 'Proof of Concept' demo is now available
You can download it here. Keep in mind this is a very early demo, it still isn't much fun to play and there are tons of things that need improvements (the city is small, there are very few things to do, the AI is too basic, there are some bugs...). It's just meant as a milestone for the project, a 'proof of concept', a way for me of having something to show and test to see how things are developing and where I can take it from here, but I've decided to release it in case someone wants to check it out or help me test it.
I recommend taking a look at the README file before playing, it contains information about the requirements, controls, known bugs (there's one that makes the camera go blank that seems to happen more often than I thought), things I want to add in future versions, the credits... Note: from the feedback I've received so far, the demo doesn't seem to work too well with integrated/intel graphics cards (low or too variable framerates and strange behavior of the traffic), something I expected but didn't add to the README file.
Now, I'm going to take some time apart from this project, the last couple of weeks have been quite intense trying to include everything I wanted in the demo and make it work.
I recommend taking a look at the README file before playing, it contains information about the requirements, controls, known bugs (there's one that makes the camera go blank that seems to happen more often than I thought), things I want to add in future versions, the credits... Note: from the feedback I've received so far, the demo doesn't seem to work too well with integrated/intel graphics cards (low or too variable framerates and strange behavior of the traffic), something I expected but didn't add to the README file.
Now, I'm going to take some time apart from this project, the last couple of weeks have been quite intense trying to include everything I wanted in the demo and make it work.